In the photo the “human” version of the analematic clock, which requires a person to stand in an upright position on the date of the current day, so that his own shadow marks the time on the dial as if it were the hand of a clock (the shadow of the photo marks 16.15).
A particular type of azimuthal sundial that allows you to read the time on an elliptical path where the time points are marked.
Being an azimuthal clock, that is a clock able to transform into an hour angle, the angle that the vertical of the sun forms with the north south line on the horizontal plane (a local coordinate, which changes little but constantly every day in the during the year, with the lengthening and shortening of the days). The element that casts the shadow on the dial must necessarily be placed vertically, based on the date of the day on which it is located, on the plate in the center where a line is marked with the dates of the twelve months of the year
The analematic clock seen from the North, whose dial measures just over four meters wide.
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